Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia Agustus 2013

Puluhan ribu orang
telah bergabung dan mencapai kesuksesan bersama di PT Bank Danamon
Indonesia, Tbk melalui segmen Danamon Simpan Pinjam.

Bagi anda yang memiliki keinginan untuk sukses, kami mengajak Anda untuk
 menjadi salah satu bagian dari tim perbankan terbaik dan berkesempatan
menjadi Pegawai Tetap PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. dengan jabatan :

Account Officer (AO-001)
Aceh, Medan (Sumatera Utara)


    Mencari nasabah baru dan mengembangkan serta memelihara hubungan
dengan nasabah
    Mematuhi prosedur dan kebijakan kredit yang ada di Danamon


    Pendidikan Minimal D3
    IPK 2,75
    Usia maksimal 35 tahun
    Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di bidang marketing min. 1 tahun atau
 usia maks.26 tahun untuk fresh graduate
    Menyukai tantangan dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
    Menguasai bahasa daerah dan mengenal komunitas setempat
    Mampu mengoperasikan komputer, minimal MS Office
    Memiliki SIM C dan berkendaraan roda dua



    JL. Hasan Saleh No. 1 Neusu Banda Aceh
    Email :

(cantumkan Lokasi dan Kode Posisi di sudut kanan atas amplop dan di
lamaran anda)


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tutorial Cara Mendaftar di google Adsense Dari Blogger

Google Adsense, sepertinya sangat di dewakan oleh sebagian banyak Blogger yang ada baik dari blogger wordpress , blogspot, weebly, ataupun bloggers mywapblog (termasuk saya).
Tapi saya juga tidak tahu apakah publisher ID dari google adsense bisa dipasang di mywapblog apa tidak (publisher id yang kita dapat dari blogspot tapi pasangnya di mwb maksudnya wkwkwkw)

Dari hasil penghasilan yang cukup lumayan nilai per kliknya dan sebagainya. Tapi untuk di daerah kita ini (Indonesia) memang agak susah untuk masuk dalam keluarga besar google adsense, butuh rayuan khusus dulu supaya bisa diterima.

Kemari sempat baca-baca koment-komentnya si EMSite di post pasang iklannya udah berkali-kali di tolak lho !!!!! Bagaimana dengan nasib Kita ??? biggrin

Nah Disinilah saya mencoba berbagi sedikit tips untuk bisa masuk dalam google adsense (Khusus pengguna Blogspot ) dari dashboard blogger kita sendiri. 

Hanya perlu sedikit perubahan dan perbanyak usaha, jangan lupa juga berdo'a semoga bisa diterima.

Untuk langkah awal, siapkan kopi dan kacang untuk cemilan sambil membaca ;
(karena artikel ini akan sangat membosankan bagi Anda yang tidak suka dunia adsense)

  • Pastikan email dan akun Google Anda belum pernah di banned oleh Google dengan alasan apapun.
  • Perhatikan juga traffik dan konten blog.

Sebenarnya google adsense sendiri juga sudah mendukung untuk blog berbahasa Indonesia, tapi entah kenapa masih saja susah untuk bisa diterima dengan alasan KONTEN. Cari punya info, ternyata ada kesalahpahaman kita saja, google mendukung blog berbahasa Indonesia dari segi artikel dan bukan dari segi dashboard / template blogger kita. Sebelum melanjutkan, ada baiknya kita review dulu gambar dibawah ini, dan samakan dengan yang Anda punya di dashboard blogger milik Anda. 

Cara Daftar Google Adsense dari Blogger
Adakah Tab Earnings / Penghasilan pada dashboard milik Anda?
Jika sudah ada, berarti tinggal sedikit langkah lagi untuk memaksimalkan blog Anda. tapi jika belum ada, harus diadakan dulu, supaya bisa mendaftar google adsense dengan mudah dari dashboard blogger kita. Adapun caranya untuk bisa menampilkan tab earnings / penghasilan tersebut, lihat pada gambar 

Cara Daftar Google Adsense dari Blogger
Halaman paling depan pada dashboard.

Cara Daftar Google Adsense dari Blogger
Halaman depan bagian ke-2, setelah ganti bahasa.

Cara Daftar Google Adsense dari Blogger
Halaman setting / setelan, pilih bahasa performatan.

Setelah semua sudah dilakukan dengan mengikuti langkah pada gambar diatas, refresh / reload halaman Anda (F5) dan lihat hasilnya, tab earnings sudah muncul ;

Cara Daftar Google Adsense dari Blogger
Silahkan daftar dari sini, (jika belum pernah daftar google adsense)
Pada tab settings / setelan, pilih bahasa Inggis dan dibawahnya ada pilihan Enable transliteration biarkan saja pada posisi disabled.

Pada pilihan bahasa, pilih yang berbahasa Inggris. Inilah yang sering kita salah paham tentang kenapa blog berbahasa Indonesia masih susah masuk dalam jaringan google adsense, bukan dari konten / artikel tapi dari setelan bahasa performatan pada dashboard blogger yang kita kelola.

Ada beberapa tambahan lagi supaya lebih bisa diterima google adsense ;
  • Daftarkan blog Anda pada feedburner.
  • Biasakan untuk selalu membuka feedburner milik Anda.
  • Siapkan juga info pendukung lainnya, seperti ;
  • About Us, (admin blog)
Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer,Dll, yang sekiranya diperlukan.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lowongan Kerja Adco Energy 16-Jul-2013


LocationAbu Dhabi,AE

Organization NameQuality

Department Description

The Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil operations (ADCO) functions throughout onshore development sites as well as in the shallow coastal waters of Abu Dhabi.
The Company was incorporated in 1978 to oversee operations in onshore concession areas covering approximately 21,000 square kilometers including five of the most important mainland oilfields in the region. During the first quarter of 2006, the inauguration of the North East BAB has been started.

Brief Description

Evaluates and recommends pre engineering and engineering concepts, designs and development, procurement and construction projects for Quality Assurance/Quality Control systems and programs associated with the Company's oil and gas production, transport and export.  Ensuring technical integrity and HSE requirements are met cost effectively throughout the development cycle.  Provides expert / consultancy service to other engineers / users and approves designs for modifications and/or requests for QA/QC engineering support.  Evaluates and approves project strategies prior to presentation to management. Develops and updates contractors’ quality register and assists contractor in developing adequate quality systems.  Reviews and endorses internal and external quality audits findings and verifies compliance with approved procedures.

Detailed Description

              Advises on the development and maintenance of the Engineering & Major Projects Division’s (EMPD) quality policies and systems including quality management, quality assurance, quality control and inspection systems covering projects, design, procurement and construction specifications. Updates policies and systems in light of development in industry standards and Company requirements.

              Champions the development and implementation of required quality manuals and procedures such as the project management manual in conjunction with users such as discipline and project engineers.

              Develops specific QA plans for certain projects, as required, in conjunction with project team members and other concerned personnel. Includes developing project organigrams, authority levels, responsibilities, etc.

              Sets criteria for project criticality ratings. Updates projects’ criticality rating criteria in conjunction with concerned engineers and/or clients as necessary.

              Designs and develops contractors’ quality register and follows up with contractors to ensure compliance and satisfaction of ADCO QA criteria prior to their inclusion in ADCO Quality Register.

              Endorses contractors QA systems. Advises contractors on deficiencies in QA plans, systems and recommends appropriate measures to be taken to ensure acceptability of QA standards and procedures.

              Plans and conducts internal and external audits to verify compliance with QA requirements; approved procedures and guidelines. Evaluates audit findings, reports and follows up on implementation of audit recommendations, as required.

              Monitors and reports on implementation of quality control QC plans and ensures that all witness and hold points are timely implemented.

              Develops non-conformity reporting system and carries out statistical analysis of non-conformance reports and audit findings.

              Designs and advises on methods and procedures for design review, checking & approvals, the verification of design documents & deliverables.

              Uses expertise to challenge effectively current policies / standards and to develop new techniques or approaches to improve operating performance.

              Supports project groups during construction and commissioning. Identifies, defines and solves complex, multi-disciplinary problems.

              Establish and develop QC plans, procedures and system for continuos improvement of work quality, monitoring performance of the QC system and recommending changes as appropriate.

              Keeps up-to-date with International Standards and codes to ensure that ADCO standards are updated and that the most appropriate equipment and materials are used.

              Keeps abreast of developments related to QA/QC in engineering within the oil production industry. Includes attending and representing ADCO in conferences and seminars to identify new developments of interest to the Company.

              Prepares and performs quality control program relating to vendor inspection activities, and analyses and audits costs for budgetary control.

              Participates in the training and development of assigned UAE national employees. Includes inducting fresh graduates, monitoring and reporting on progress.

              Knows the Company health, safety and environmental policy, procedures, regulations and objectives as they relate to his area of responsibility, and ensures that they are effectively implemented in is domain.

Job Requirements



B.Sc. in Engineering supplemented with Lead Assessor Certificate.

Very good knowledge of English

12 years’ experience in project / engineering and quality activities related to the Oil & Gas industry. Experience in ADCO auditing process.

Sumber : Adco Energy

Aply Lamaran Klik Disini


LocationAbu Dhabi,AE

Organization NameQuality

Department Description

The Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil operations (ADCO) functions throughout onshore development sites as well as in the shallow coastal waters of Abu Dhabi.
The Company was incorporated in 1978 to oversee operations in onshore concession areas covering approximately 21,000 square kilometers including five of the most important mainland oilfields in the region. During the first quarter of 2006, the inauguration of the North East BAB has been started.

Brief Description

Evaluates and recommends pre engineering and engineering concepts, designs and development, procurement and construction projects for Quality Assurance/Quality Control systems and programs associated with the Company's oil and gas production, transport and export.  Ensuring technical integrity and HSE requirements are met cost effectively throughout the development cycle.  Provides expert / consultancy service to other engineers / users and approves designs for modifications and/or requests for QA/QC engineering support.  Evaluates and approves project strategies prior to presentation to management. Develops and updates contractors’ quality register and assists contractor in developing adequate quality systems.  Reviews and endorses internal and external quality audits findings and verifies compliance with approved procedures.

Detailed Description

              Advises on the development and maintenance of the Engineering & Major Projects Division’s (EMPD) quality policies and systems including quality management, quality assurance, quality control and inspection systems covering projects, design, procurement and construction specifications. Updates policies and systems in light of development in industry standards and Company requirements.

              Champions the development and implementation of required quality manuals and procedures such as the project management manual in conjunction with users such as discipline and project engineers.

              Develops specific QA plans for certain projects, as required, in conjunction with project team members and other concerned personnel. Includes developing project organigrams, authority levels, responsibilities, etc.

              Sets criteria for project criticality ratings. Updates projects’ criticality rating criteria in conjunction with concerned engineers and/or clients as necessary.

              Designs and develops contractors’ quality register and follows up with contractors to ensure compliance and satisfaction of ADCO QA criteria prior to their inclusion in ADCO Quality Register.

              Endorses contractors QA systems. Advises contractors on deficiencies in QA plans, systems and recommends appropriate measures to be taken to ensure acceptability of QA standards and procedures.

              Plans and conducts internal and external audits to verify compliance with QA requirements; approved procedures and guidelines. Evaluates audit findings, reports and follows up on implementation of audit recommendations, as required.

              Monitors and reports on implementation of quality control QC plans and ensures that all witness and hold points are timely implemented.

              Develops non-conformity reporting system and carries out statistical analysis of non-conformance reports and audit findings.

              Designs and advises on methods and procedures for design review, checking & approvals, the verification of design documents & deliverables.

              Uses expertise to challenge effectively current policies / standards and to develop new techniques or approaches to improve operating performance.

              Supports project groups during construction and commissioning. Identifies, defines and solves complex, multi-disciplinary problems.

              Establish and develop QC plans, procedures and system for continuos improvement of work quality, monitoring performance of the QC system and recommending changes as appropriate.

              Keeps up-to-date with International Standards and codes to ensure that ADCO standards are updated and that the most appropriate equipment and materials are used.

              Keeps abreast of developments related to QA/QC in engineering within the oil production industry. Includes attending and representing ADCO in conferences and seminars to identify new developments of interest to the Company.

              Prepares and performs quality control program relating to vendor inspection activities, and analyses and audits costs for budgetary control.

              Participates in the training and development of assigned UAE national employees. Includes inducting fresh graduates, monitoring and reporting on progress.

              Knows the Company health, safety and environmental policy, procedures, regulations and objectives as they relate to his area of responsibility, and ensures that they are effectively implemented in is domain.

Job Requirements



B.Sc. in Engineering supplemented with Lead Assessor Certificate.

Very good knowledge of English

12 years’ experience in project / engineering and quality activities related to the Oil & Gas industry. Experience in ADCO auditing process.

Additional Details

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lowongan PT Biosains Medika Indonesia

PT Biosains Medika Indonesia
BioSM Indonesia has grown to be a leading distributor for genomics, proteomics, and cellomics products in Indonesia

With more than 10.000 products items, BioSM Indonesia serves the needs of customers mainly in : Research centres, Hospitals & Laboratoriums, Universities, Testing Laboratory and Industries (Food & Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Poultry etc)

We are working thru representative offices, sub-distributors and dealer/local companies throughout Indonesia to give a better service to customers.
Sales & Marketing Specialist (Code : SS)
Aceh, Bali, Jakarta Raya, Bandung (Jawa Barat), Bekasi (Jawa Barat), Bogor (Jawa Barat), Depok (Jawa Barat), Semarang (Jawa Tengah), Surakarta (Jawa Tengah), Lampung, Pekanbaru (Riau), Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan), Padang (Sumatera Barat), Palembang (Sumatera Selatan), Yogyakarta, Tangerang (Banten)
  • Should have life science and diagnostic products knowledge
  • Should have good business relationship building skills
  • Fast learner and hard working
  • Ability to work seamlessly with global cross-functional teams to achieve success on behalf of customers
  • Max 28 years old
  • Graduate from Biology/Chemistry/Biochemistry/Animal Husbandry/Pharmacy/Veterinary Medicine
  • Multiple language capability including English bean added advantage.
  • Willing to travel in and outside country based on requirement.
  • Fresh graduates are welcome (preferable having experience minimum 1 year in
  • same position).
  • Available soon.
  • Job Location :
    • Office Based : Jabotabek, Yogyakarta
    • Home Based : Semarang, Solo, Bali, Makassar, Padang, Aceh, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Lampung
  • Basic Salary
  • Health Allowance
  • Transportation Allowance
  • Telephone Allowance
  • Performance Allowance
  • Bonus

If you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below
" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "
Sumber  : JobStreet